Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) is a New York State early childhood initiative, administered in Port Chester Public Schools in collaboration with Corpus Christi Holy Rosary School. UPK is designed to help more children begin their education at an early age and get a solid start on the road to active learning. The Port Chester Public School District and the Archdiocese’s “UPK” Program represent an excellent, high-quality Pre-K education for 4-year-olds.
Our UPK Program is housed in the Father Rinaldi Campus located at 135 South Regent St. in Por Chester New York.
As in all of our early childhood classrooms, each academic subject (literacy, math, science and social studies) is taught. Each UPK Pre-K Classroom is “universal” in the fact that we make every effort to comply with New York State Education Department UPK funding regulations. In addition, there are the same accountably, curriculum, assessment, materials, professional development and methodology in each of our Pre-K rooms.